May 21, 2023
FOCUS | Session Seven | Jesus is the Greater Leader
Series: FOCUS
Welcome to Lighthouse Community!
Join us for Session Seven "Jesus is the Greater Leader" of our series FOCUS. Tune in to learn more.
Check us out at for more..
  • May 21, 2023FOCUS | Session Seven | Jesus is the Greater Leader
    May 21, 2023
    FOCUS | Session Seven | Jesus is the Greater Leader
    Series: FOCUS
    Welcome to Lighthouse Community!
    Join us for Session Seven "Jesus is the Greater Leader" of our series FOCUS. Tune in to learn more.
    Check us out at for more..
  • May 17, 2023FOCUS | Session Six | Jesus is the Greater Hope
    May 17, 2023
    FOCUS | Session Six | Jesus is the Greater Hope
    Series: FOCUS
    Welcome to Lighthouse Community!
    Join us for Session Six "Jesus is the Greater Hope" of our series FOCUS. Tune in to learn more.
    Check us out at for more.
  • May 7, 2023FOCUS | Session Five | Jesus is the Greater Sacrifice
    May 7, 2023
    FOCUS | Session Five | Jesus is the Greater Sacrifice
    Series: FOCUS
    Welcome to Lighthouse Community!
    Join us as we start Session Five "Jesus is the Greater Sacrifice" of our series FOCUS. Tune in to learn more.
    Check us out at for more.
  • Apr 30, 2023FOCUS Session Four | Jesus is Greater than the High Priest of the Old Covenant
    Apr 30, 2023
    FOCUS Session Four | Jesus is Greater than the High Priest of the Old Covenant
    Series: FOCUS
    Welcome to Lighthouse Community!
    Join us as we start session four "Jesus is Greater than the High Priest of the Old Covenant" of our series FOCUS. Tune in to learn more.
    Check us out at for more.
  • Apr 23, 2023FOCUS | Session Three | Jesus is Greater than Moses
    Apr 23, 2023
    FOCUS | Session Three | Jesus is Greater than Moses
    Series: FOCUS
    Welcome to Lighthouse Community!
    Join us today as we begin Session Three "Jesus is Greater then Moses" of our FOCUS series. The life and teachings of Moses provides a warning that just as hard-hearted rebellion kept people from walking in fellowship with God then, it still prohibits people form knowing God today. Our need for supernatural rest is only met by believing in Jesus. Tune in to learn more.
    Join us at for more
  • Apr 16, 2023FOCUS| Session Two | Jesus is Greater than the Angels
    Apr 16, 2023
    FOCUS| Session Two | Jesus is Greater than the Angels
    Series: FOCUS
    Welcome to Lighthouse Community!
    Join us as we continue our series FOCUS. Today we will begin Session Two Jesus is Greater than the Angels. We will learn more about how the angels help us, as believers, in spiritual battle against spiritual forces fought in the full armor of God and the power of prayer in the Spirit. But Jesus is higher than the Angels, he is Savior. Tune in to learn more!
    Check us out at for more.
  • Apr 10, 2023FOCUS | Session 1 | Focused on Jesus the Risen Savior
    Apr 10, 2023
    FOCUS | Session 1 | Focused on Jesus the Risen Savior
    Series: FOCUS
    Join us as we begin our new series FOCUS: Resisting the Drift Away From Jesus.
    Today we begin session one Focused on Jesus the Risen Savior where we learn how Jesus conquered sin and death. He died for our sins and he rose in triumph over death. Jesus overcame death giving every believer hope in this life, and in the life to come. Eternal life that begins when we turn from self-leadership and say "Yes" to Jesus by faith.
    Tune in to learn more. Join us at to learn more.