July 24, 2020

Lighthouse Community Family,
     I want you to know how grateful the elders are for your leadership and your commitment to the kingdom and Lighthouse Community. I hope you’re well today and experiencing the wholeness that comes from knowing Jesus deeply!
     By now, I’m sure that you have heard of governor DeWine’s order for all Ohioans to wear masks when in public in an effort to reduce “a higher level of increased spread.”
     Recently, the elders gathered to pray and discuss how ministry would move forward in light of this new order. Here’s our decision: because the governor has declared an order requiring masks to be worn by people 10 years and older in all public gatherings, Lighthouse Community will comply.
     For those who might not have access to a mask, Lighthouse Community will have some masks available in the Welcome Center. Note that according to the order, there are some exclusions to wearing a mask in public. For that reason, Lighthouse Community leadership will not police this order, but respect each person’s decision.
     For some of you, this new order may come as a great relief. To others, this order may well up feelings of concern. We each come with our own perspectives and value stances. That is completely ok.
     Scripture points to the principle that the honor of Christ and our commitment to the kingdom would take priority over our personal views on a temporary matter. Remember: kingdom citizens don’t retaliate when personal honor is on the line. My hope is that we would live with a sense of urgency to make the gospel clear to the people we come in contact with, no matter the current situation.
     We’re so thankful for you. We’re so thankful for your thoughtfulness towards the kingdom. We’re so thankful for the ways you serve others and point people to their next step in knowing Jesus!
     We look forward to worshiping with you soon! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Your Elders at Lighthouse Community

 May 28, 2020

 May 22, 2020

Lighthouse Community Family,
     We are so thankful for God’s grace in the life of our church family! We continue to see his hand working in the lives of many different people. It is so encouraging to know the church family is continuing to lean into God during this time of physical separation. He really is our Hope!
     As you may have already heard, Lighthouse Community will reopen our building on Sunday, May 31 for in-person worship services at 9:09 and 11:11. We’re excited to be able to offer this ministry opportunity.
     In addition, we are also excited to continue ministering to our new online campus. One small change that you will notice is that we will move from two live stream times to one online worship service at 10:27am (a little throw back to our beginnings!) which will be available on, Facebook, and YouTube.
     Many have asked, “What it will be like to come back to Lighthouse?” Feeling a bit anxious is normal. The simple answer to the question is that we will continue to focus on scripture, prayer, and community; however, we will be making adjustments based on the suggestions of experts.
On Sunday, May 31 you can expect…
  • To worship God through music and a sermon from our series in Jonah.
  • The chairs in the worship center will be reorganized into clusters to support a degree of social distancing. Families will be together since children’s ministries will not begin right away.
  • We will not be offering donuts (trust us – this was a tough decision), but we will serve coffee that our coffee team will be happy to make for you to your order!
  • Some people will choose to wear masks. People will smile and say hello without a handshake.
     Of course, we are asking anyone who has symptoms, knows that they have been exposed, or has been in regular contact with such people to delay their return to the Lighthouse Community building. We also are encouraging people with underlying conditions to make good choices based on their health situation. We ask you to use common sense considerations when making your decisions.
     Many are ready to return to services (and tired of zoom meetings!). They deeply desire to come to Lighthouse Community to worship and to pray in community with other believers. There is something special that happens when Christ followers gather! We think we can do this safely with a novel building set-up to maintain social distancing along with appropriate cleaning procedures after each service. We believe the Lighthouse Community family will act responsibly for the good of everyone.
     We are so thankful for each person who calls Lighthouse Community home. We are thankful for God’s grace and look forward with great anticipation to seeing each of you soon!
Your Elders at Lighthouse Community